Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hola Family! Sounds like things are still pretty crazy with the snow back home but that sounds fun! Mom I missed the heart pizza and jello hearts on Valentines day because Elder Dill and I didn't have time to make them. This past week was pretty intense though. Like 9 days ago on Sunday morning Elder Dill and I got a call from the relief society president of a ward we were teaching relief society in that day. She told us that one of the families in the ward had just lost a four year old daughter and a one year old daughter and that the relief society we were teaching was going to be really emotional. The reason they passed away was because an extermination company who like sprays for like mice and moles didn't follow code and put the spray too close to the house and than somehow it seeped into the house and made the whole family really sick but ended up taking the lives of the families two young daughters. 2 weeks ago we had taught the older girl Rebecca's primary and Elder Dill and I both remember who she was because she answered a few questions.

The reason I'm telling you this isn't to just make you really sad but because there were definitely a lot of lessons that I learned from this experience. This past Saturday Elder Dill and I had the chance to go to the two young girls funeral. The stake center was almost as packed as it was at Kevin's Dad's funeral. I thought a lot about him when we were at the funeral and just realized how loved he was just like these two little girls were. I also thought a lot about how much I love Jill and Pete and how hard it would be to go through a tragedy like that. It was an extremely powerful service, and I realized just how real the Plan of Salvation is and how it can give us so much perspective in this life. At one point when I was sitting just thinking about how amazing it was to have the knowledge of the Father's plan, The Spirit spoke these words really boldly to me, " Elder, you go out and you tell EVERYONE about this plan, everyone needs to know." I just started crying and it ignited more of a flame in me to work harder than I am. Also after the funeral I saw one of my best friends from BYU who lived right below me at Wyview at the stake center. His cousin was the mom of the two girls. After the funeral we got to talk for about 5 minutes and I know it wasn't a coincidence. I asked him about going on a mission and he said he didn't think he was going to go which made me really sad, but I know that Heavenly Father put him in my path so I could try and help him in some way. I just bore testimony to him of how important the work is and how life changing it is for the missionary. I just tried to encourage him as much as I could and it seemed like I might have opened up his heart to the idea of serving a mission again. When I sit back and think about it, Heavenly Father's plan is so so incredible. We can't even comprehend how involved Heavenly Father is in the details of our lives. SOMEHOW, we were in the same stake center on the same day (He lives in California) and of the more than 1000 people there for the funeral, I saw him. If that's not a miracle I don't know what is. Also we saw the father of the girls after the funeral and he came and talked to us for a few minutes. He said to give him a little time but if there was anyone in the future who he could help who goes through a similar thing he's going through that he would love to help. So amazing. He lost his two daughters a week ago and he already is looking to serve others. A truly Christlike example.

There were definitely some happier things that happened this week too. On Saturday I had the chance to baptize A and it was amazing! You can just feel the power of the ordinance especially when you perform it. I'll send you guys a picture of it today! Also A got baptized about two hours after A and that was really really awesome. She was freezing after the baptism because her hair was still wet and so I went up and put my coat around her and I thought you would have been proud of me mom. haha. We have another baptism this Saturday of the girl named A that I told you guys about which is going to be great. And if all goes to plan we should have 4 baptisms on the 27th! Hadley thanks for your email! I'm going to write you a letter today. Alright this email is SO long. I feel bad for Kate having to switch missions and mission presidents but am excited that she could serve in some of Dad's old areas and maybe baptize some people that Dad didn't already baptize. Kate one really awesome thing that President Olson said in his talk yesterday at zone conference was that when people are trying to maybe not meet with you anymore or ask you why they should listen to you you can just tell them " I have been ordained of God to come and teach you. I am literally here as a representative of Jesus Christ the Savior of the world, and He is reaching out to you right now" I love that he wants us to be so bold and I'm going to start being more bold with people. I find myself sometimes talking to people about non-church things in order to get in the door but I'm going to work on just making sure people know why I am there. I have to go, but I love you very much and am praying for you all everyday! This Gospel is true, and the Priesthood keys have been restored to not only bind on earth but bind in heaven. I love you! Elder Powers

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